
ようこそ、当サイトへ(^▽^)/ 管理人のミモ(mimo)です!






皆さんの期待にどれだけ添えるものになるかわかりませんが、一生懸命発進して行きますので、どうかよろしくお願いします<(_ _)>

In English (sum-up)

Actually I've been suffering from a bad collagen disease called SLE that easily breaks muscle cells, so my doctor had offered me 'walking' with taking good amino-acid food.

After that, I launched the sight of "mimorandom", and as its one page, I made 'everyday 10000steps challenge'. Still now, I keep uploading the page with some records I made.

Please refer to the following URL ; https://www.mimorandom.com

But recently, I was bored of walking the same kinds of roots as usual, I decided to walk alongside each station of 'Tokyo Sakura Tram' that runs by my apartment house.

'Tokyo Sakura Tram' runs from Waseda to Minowabashi (30 stations) in around 56 minutes (Mileage is around 12.2km).

I don't know how much I can meet your expectations, but I do my best to show you more interesting informations from now on. So please feel free to drop in our website(^▽^)/


都電荒川線・飛鳥山駅で下車して、約1.2㎞、徒歩15分ということなのですが、私の場合、足が悪いので25分かかってしまいました(^^ゞ 昼前に入場料の150円を支払い入園すると、すぐにバラ園へと向かいました。

普段はお目にかかれないような美しいバラを数多く見ることが出来たほか、「秋のバラ演奏会」の素晴らしい演奏を生で聴くことができ、本当に心が癒されました❤「秋バラフェスティバル」は、毎年開催しています。本当に癒されるので、来年にも是非ともお立ち寄りください<(_ _)>


■当日の総歩行数 = 18693歩

■ウォーキング・マップ(飛鳥山駅より)(walking map from Asukayama station)


(In English : sum-up)

I'd heard it would take me about 15 minutes to reach "kyu-Furukawa Gardens" for around 1.2km, but actually I took 25 minutes because of my disease(^^ゞ Before noon time, ater paying 150yen as entrance fee and in, I went to the rose garden right now.

As a result, in addition to seeing many beautiful roses that I don't see usually, I could listen to the wonderful plays of "Autumn Rose Music Festival", so I really healed!! "Autumn Rose Festival" is held every year. I was really healed with all the scenaries there, so free to drop in, please!! (entrance fee = J\150)

■Number of Walking between 'Asukayama' and ''Kyu-Furukawa Gardens';

6247steps for around 1.5 hours.

■The total number of steps on the day = 18693steps

■景色一覧(Sets of Images)












I would like to continue to take the walk of "Kyu-Furukawa Gardens" also from now on. This time, I couldn't go into 'Western-style house', but I hear I can go in depending on the day. Next time, I'd like to introduce its inside to you. Please look forward to it(^▽^)/

当サイトにお立ち寄り頂きまして、有難うございました。これからも積極的に新情報を発信して行きますので、よろしくお願いいたします<(_ _)>

Really thank you for dropping in my websight. I will continue to actively send you my messages, so keep paying your attention to us, please<(_ _)>



正直言って、ここに来るのは、ちょっと早く来すぎたように思います。前回は、12月10日くらいに来ました。それでも随所で、きれいな紅葉を見れたので、至って満足しています(^▽^)/ 12月10日頃が見ごろになるように思います。お時間があれば、状況をご確認の上、来園をご検討下さい(⌒∇⌒)/

■都電「飛鳥山駅」~「六義園」までの歩行数(2/3往復?+園内歩行数)≒ 10375(約1.4時間)


■ウォーキング・マップ(飛鳥山駅より)(walking map from Asukayama Station)


(In English : sum-up)

"Autumn Leaves Tour / Asukayama to Rikugien by walking"

As for the distance from the Asukayama Station to 'Rikugien', it's about 2.5km and it takes people around 31 minutes to get there in average, I hear. This time, I did my best to walk, so I was able to arrive there in 40 minutes 😊。Early in the afternoon, afterI paid 300 yen at the toll booth and entered, I began walking along the road ・・・.

Frankly speaking, it may have been a little too early for me to come there. Last time, I came around on December 10. But I'm very satisfied now, because I was able to see beautiful autumn leaves everywhere. I think the best time to see them is around December 10, so if you have time, please ceck the situation and consider visiting this park by all means!!

■The number of walks from Asukayama Station to Rikugien (2/3 round trip + the number of walks in the park) ≒ 10375 steps (for about 1.4 hours)

■The total number of walks on the day ≒ 16085 steps

■景色一覧(Sets of Images)








Really thank you for your drop-in my sight (⌒∇⌒)/

If possible, please send your impressions & opinions to the following address;

e-mail address :findingmimo7@gmail.com



